Introduction: A very inspiring book, a New York Times bestseller living up to the expectations, I finished the book with awe and a motivated heart.
BTW, if interested, look into the New York Times bestsellers list here.
Short Description:
A true, inspirational story that crosses the barriers of society.
Meet Denver, raised under plantation-style slavery in Louisiana until he escaped “da Man”—in the 1960s—by hopping a train. Then, after another 18 homeless years on the streets of Dallas, God moved . . . and a godly woman named Deborah prayed, listened, and obeyed. Mountains began to move, beginning with her husband, Ron, an international art dealer accustomed to the world of Armani suits and art-collecting millionaires.
The story takes a devasting twist when Deborah discovers she has cancer. Will Deborah live or die? Will Denver learn to trust a white man? Will Ron embrace his dying wife’s vision to rescue Denver? Or will Denver be the one rescuing Ron?
There’s pain and laughter, doubt and tears, and in the end a triumphal story that readers will never forget.
Verdict: If you love narratives, this book should be your dream-book! On my stunts of recommending this piece to my friends to read, one of them came up to me once and told about the really lively narratives that has been perfectly showcased here. You will feel like talking to yourself or to a distant friend from old times. Time doesn’t necessarily come in between when you have more important issues like social standing, homelessness to address to. Both Denver, Ron have managed to bridge a big cave that had been going bigger day by day in our society. More than you want to be known as rich or poor person, one should always crave to be known for the all reasons humane.
This book lets you think in that line, makes you think in that line, makes you make others to think in line. A total winner that way!
ssomz says:
Oct 5, 2010
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ssomz says:
Nov 10, 2010
This new name is good….better than the previous.