Introduction to the guest writer: I won’t give.
Introduction to his works: I won’t produce.
Introduction of him as a person: I won’t say much.
Introduction of him as a writer and thinker: I have too much to say.
But then, I will let his writing speak for himself. It’s a real pleasure to host a dear friend Subhro Ghosh in my blog. Start reading his words:
“A not so short story of my (as in I as in me as in who I am) life.
Characters :
I – Me, Subhro Ghosh.
Her – Some girl whose name now instills such a heady cocktail of emotions that I have to listen to one (1) hour of a Pink Floyd and The Doors medley to just return to sanity.
Monsoon 2007:
So I fell in love. I fell so hopelessly and so head over heels in love! Oh! The rose tinted glasses! One look at her would leave me transfixed, I would suffocate at the very thought of her….. I would drink from those….. yeah like that romantic jibber-jabber said, I was very much and very idiotically in love. There was so much love that I smelled roses in the air! I could almost smell chocolate too! Ah cupid had lain quite a number on me.
Fall 2008:
My love for her still knew no bounds, as the leaves turned a ruddy hue and started to fall, I started to walk the desolate (well, naah, not quite there is a quite a bit of a foot-path vendor/hawker crowd) avenues along the Maidan. I would still be all starry eyed on the very thought of her.
Winter 2009:
Yes, avenues had been explored. As I sipped on piping hot saucers of coffee/tea I suffocated on more than dust. She was an ever present presence in my life, goading me to better myself. I promised myself I would better myself on my account, to be as good as she deserved.
Monsoon 2010:
As the rains came intermittently, and sun shined in its oft moody hues, I continued to better myself. I continued to read up on philosophical issues. I started to question my sanity as well.
Fall 2010:
All of a sudden, who knows what happened (actually CAT 2010 happened) but I was out of love, and the frau who so captured my heart seemed to hold no further interest anymore!
Winter 2010:
What the hell? What the was wrong? I fell out of love as soon as I fallen in love! All the sanity I had lost, came back to haunt me in the bucket loads! Oh the cold showers of reason! Darn I damn well might have never met her! Love was transformed into hate. Hate transformed me into rage. Rage saw itself manifest in my journal entries. More than a few Fountain pen Nibs felt the wrath and many pens now lie in their plastic coffins, ensconced in my desk as unloved as her.
Happy New Year 2011:
All this while, I had not even told her that I loved her! I had not even as much as talked to her, I had not as much known her as much as I had dreamed about her. One last grand infatuation, one last hurrah, one last look at her left me heartbroken now. I understood she was gone.
Film shifts, and Subtitles show: PRESENT
I sit down and wonder, “Kucch maazein kiye the hum!” Yeah not really, this is not some fluff piece on Tweenage romance. This is a snippet of reality…. Jibber jabber Jibber jabber Jibber jabber Jibber jabber Jibber jabber etc!
Actually, I quite like it the way things turned out. I read up on my philosophy, cut down on the pornography, whetted my appetite to write, learnt to love fountain pens better.
I know what you are thinking though TL; DR.*
*’TL;DR’ is certainly not what I think of this post. Certainly a good one in its own abstract way. Reminds me of the ‘type’ of writing I used to practice some two-three years ago. Mere remembrance!
BTW, know not what TL;DR means? Check here.
If you want to know more about Subhro, yeah girls, am speaking to you all, here is he on Twitter and here on Facebook. Go and get him!
1 comment
Priya says:
Jan 12, 2012
The points you provided here are incredibly valuable. Rrt had been such an entertaining surprise to have that waiting for me when I woke up now. They are constantly to the point plus easy to learn. Warm regards for the useful ideas you have shared above.