Oh c’mmon, I get that you need to cheer yourself up and motivate in the most queer manner and then instigate yourself to at least do this much good for yourself and then end up influencing your daily routine to make changes to make up some time for your new-found vigour (eh?) – i.e. to blog on a daily basis, if not a post every two days, if not a post every three days, if not .. well, I can go on. But if it really goes on, I’m not really sure where it can end up finally. Did I just mention it will end up yourself being the same miserable bloke that you already were?

Actually, it’s in the mind for the last two-three months that I should really take up this challenge and start blogging again to keep ideas flowing in. Well, as you’ve already understood that the above paragraph is really about myself, but then again, what’s the fun in blabbering out in the first place only?

By the way, I got to know about this tremendous effort from WordPress called The Daily Post where they post ideas on a daily/weekly basis for the subscribers to take up ideas for their own blog posts, and hence kill the Writer’s Block, in case you fantasize yourself to call it so.

The megalomaniac that I am, I obviously fantasize that, and yeah, you guessed it right, am probably taking up the challenge for now. Well well, the weekly one of course as of now. Until I guess really passionate about taking up the daily challenges too.

In case you’re also a  megalomaniac like me, and is already contemplating, repeat the steps given below before you realise that you’re through:

  1. Put your right hand on the mouse. In case you’re a leftie, you know which hand you have to use instead (am I being too witty here?). In case you’re on a laptop, you also know what you should do.
  2. Direct your mouse pointer to the links embedded above in this post.
  3. Click on the links.
  4. Voila! You’re done.

Anyways, don’t mind these four steps. You can take the rest of the post pretty seriously though.

N.B. I just pray that I can keep up this spirit of writing throughout my challenge days as well. And with few invite based Book Review programs ahead, things are shining ahead for my this page.