I have on my blog today, Abhishek Bose, the author of ‘Legally, lovingly yours’. I interviewed him regarding the success of his debut novel, and here is what all he had to say.

1. Firstly, congratulations Abhishek for getting published! Why did you take up writing?

Thank you very much. I always liked writing, but did not write anything of such a length thinking whether it’ll be good or not, whether people will like it or not. Then one day, I thought let’s start writing, the outcome will be taken care of later. And the result is in front of you in the form of “Legally, Lovingly Yours”.

2. Tell me something about your book. About your inspirations behind weaving the plot, your ambitions during writing it, etc.

It’s a story of a guy in a law school, of following your dreams. What are his dreams and whether he is able to fulfill them or not forms the basic plot of the book. My friends and whatever I saw around me became my inspiration behind weaving the plot.
I had only two aims while writing. One – to see my name in print. Two – to say sorry to a girl who hates me now because of some unintentional mistakes I made.

3. Since you are a first-time writer, what all expectations did you have from the Indian publishing industry?

As a first-time writer, the only expectation I had was to get published. This is because writing something is a cakewalk, when it’s compared to getting it published. Getting published for a first-time writer is a tough nut to crack. It is often said that the first step in any direction is the hardest. So was it in my case.

4. Were your expectations fulfilled in a positive way? What all obstructions did you face to get a publishing house for your book?

Yes, they were fulfilled in a positive way. The only obstruction I faced was getting rejected by many before being accepted by one.

5. Did you have any certain publishing house in mind or have taken chances on as many as you can? Do you regret of not having a Godfather to guide you through?

No. I sent the proposal to 5-6 publication houses. With some supportive friends, who were there to go through my drafts and make the corrections, I don’t regret having a Godfather to guide me. Though, I must admit that having a Godfather would have been an advantage.

6. How much authentic is the story you have written? Has it got anything to do with your real life? Has it got anything to do with someone very close to you?

Overall it’s a fictitious work. But, some incidents in the book have been taken from my life and the lives of my friends.

7. Apart from online publicity, did you participate in offline publicity too? Organized events, contests, give-aways?

Offline publicity was restricted only to giving a few complimentary copies for getting it reviewed. But organizing an event is something that is on my mind. Hopefully, I would be able to do one in the near future.

8. Who are the writers you generally tend to take your inspirations from? Name your favourites.

Some of my favourite authors are Jeffrey Archer, Sidney Sheldon, Frederick Forsyth, Mario Puzo. I get inspired by them as I can’t keep down their book till the time I haven’t finished with it. Their work is so gripping that it keeps you going on and on till the end.

9. What do you think about the current English Writing scenario in India? Do you really think it is a good time to take on writing as a full time profession?

The current English writing scenario is booming with the ever increasing number of new authors. But, one sad thing about it is that many new authors are compromising on the quality and focusing on the quantity. According to me, it is not a good time to take on writing as a full time profession, because readers would forget a writer if he doesn’t deliver.

10. You’re attending a Law School. How have you planned to carry on writing along with the active profession you are going to be included into soon?

It’ll be a bit difficult, but when writing is a passion, and as it is said that where there’s a will, there’s a way, I’ll surely find a way out.

Thank you Abhishek for your valuable time for my blog, Between The Lines. You have my best wishes for your book.

Abhishek on Facebook: Abhishek Bose
Fan page of ‘Legally, Lovingly Yours’ on Facebook: Legally, Lovingly yours

If you want to buy ‘Legally, lovingly yours‘, all you have to do is to follow this link: