When the idea of reviewing KFC came to my mind, my initial response was: “Why? Don’t I have better things to do? Other unknown, unpredictable restaurants to review?

Frankly speaking, I didn’t want to get the review done seriously because KFC is so predictable. Everyone knows how the food is supposed to taste, how the ambience is supposed to be, even what all formalities the waiters are going to perform to keep their customers happy. In my case, I also had the fear that the doorman may even squeak out to me: “Good to see you Sir after day before yesterday. I was thinking you’ll give us a visit yesterday too!” Actually, I didn’t want him to say that to me, and that was one of the reasons why reviewing KFC was not in my list.

But, finally, I succumbed to doing it. KFC maybe predictable, loved, adored – but when it opens to a new place, turns out you can always catch them off the guard. And that applies for any chain like this – say McDonalds, PizzaHut, Dominos, whatever. The main reason maybe the local supplies of Bread (for Burgers), Chicken (question of freshness), local chef (acting as apprentice to the off-shored chef from another of their branch) – possibilities are manifold.

Normally, I keep it in mind to review restaurants when I visit them for the first time. But in case of KFC, Siliguri, this maybe the umpteenth time that I have visited them, and finally reviewing too. KFC opened in Siliguri in December, 2010 i.e. last year. The timing was such that we were going through our pre-final semester examinations. I remember KFC inspiring us to prepare well for the tests so that we could give it a quick visit on the test-day itself.

Today was different. Me and S planned from before regarding what we were going to order, where we were going to take our seat, and what other options we could have in our kitty in case our tummies revolt against not giving it enough pleasure.

We took two pieces of Original Recipe Fried Chicken, two Burgers and a Choco Lash Krushers. And guess what, it finished in no time. Has to be so, given the place that it is. Me and S were discussing about the other parties that we used to host or attend or enjoy at some point of time in KFC, mostly in their City Centre, Kolkata branch though. So, turned out, it has already become an important enough part of our life.

That this KFC, Siliguri is the first KFC outlet in North Bengal makes it more important. They have this advantage of customers turning in throughout the day, and their lavish, well-lit, spacious inside space just plays a good enough host to all their customers.

Food in KFC normally can’t go wrong. And I don’t remember it going wrong too. But in case of local supplies, this KFC may turn down a bit in the popularity chart. I do not want to pick up definite examples to enpower my point because I feel the catching-them-offguard phenomenon (that I talked about at the starting of this review) is what making few of these things going wrong for them. And am sure that may happen in any place they set up a new branch at. It’s just a matter of time that they realize what’s wrong and take necessary steps.

Overall rating is not needed for this review, since this was more of a general discussion than to make some point against or for some new food joints coming up in the city.

This review was more of an excuse to put up some of the innumerable pictures I take whenever I visit KFC.

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