Yesterday, this blog crossed the 10,000 hits milestone. And in a fit of fake(?) satisfaction, I updated my status both in FB and Twitter that I will gift myself a ‘Page’ specific for @BetweenTL, i.e. this blog. @BetweenTL is as it is known in Twitter.
So, here it is, the page I mean: Between The Lines
Spent some considerable amount of time designing the logo, at the end which is surely the sucky part of everything. I asked S to design one for me,but somehow she could not manage it. Anyways, I took up the daunting task on myself only, consulted few friends, and finally came up with this:
Good to know that from now on I’ll not always need to post my own status updates for BTL on my profile. RSS Grafitti or Networked Blogs may do the same for me. Hoping to make things work out in a better way.
Badge is here too:
Between The Lines
Promote Your Page Too
High time ‘Like’ it!