About the author: Chandraprakash Mohata graduated from Entrepreneurship development institute of India, in 2007 is well placed as a CEO & a successful entrepreneur with Mohata textile mills. Recently, he has buzzed the Indian market with his spice flavored, fiction based novel named ‘Patyala down de throat’.
Making full use of his in-dept imaginative power, Chandraprakash has used simple literary words, racy fiction style as well as lots of characters to highlight the inherent attributes of love life and liquor being given more important in front of the carrier stuff in this 21st century life. The book subtly touches human emotions which get entangled in confusion over work or friends. It deals with the complication regarding the toughest part of being an entrepreneur. The question arises whether the protagonist will listen to his own conscience by being the same or will he bring work and his future an important thing in his life.

1. Firstly, congratulations for your book ‘Patyala Down de Throat’. How did writing happen to you?

Thank you! It was the best and the worst period of my life. I got operated on my knee and was forced to stick to the bed. Writing was the best tool I thought will help me to kill time. I made my best friend read my work and eventually I found out that my thoughts were worth sharing not only with him but also with the youth everywhere around.

2. Tell me something about your book. About your inspirations behind weaving the plot, your ambitions during writing it, etc.

Patyala down de throat’ is an adventure odyssey of a twenty one year old boy who experiences sweet-bitter tastes of life. The story is set in an educational institute (sort of a Gurukul) where a soft natured boy turns up seeking solution about his carrier. Dev, the protagonist, being the only hero discovers facets of love, emoting, sacrifice and other varying emotions across a series of unfortunate events that happens to him. What follows the whirlwind is the advent of Mirchi Seth, 37 china town, dukes of hardcore drinkers rally and the quixotic dilemma keeping the racy style of the novel alive till the end. But what seems to change him is a single statement of his mentor which touched his life.
Amit Bhatia, a friend of mine, is an inspirational icon to my eyes who proposed me towards the path. This novel is meant especially for the youth of the country not because of the fun and frolic involved due to the combination of love, life and vodka. But this grapevine carries a very important moral left behind by the protagonist. It says, life during college days isn’t for passing time in vain and the Dil-Dosti Mirch masala doesn’t work all the time. At some point in life we have to be serious about our future stuff. I hope, readers will find the story line fascinating and the characters will make it an interesting read.

3. You have got a new book in the offing too, named ‘The Dev-D Syndrome’. Your first book also had the protagonist named ‘Dev’. Are you trying to make it a brand-name for the style of writing that you represent?

Yes, Dev is my hero and he will be the protagonist in every fiction of mine. I want people to fall in love with Dev.

4. The plot in your first book revolves around the fun and enjoyment of college kids. With too many English novels all around (the IIT-IIM types, the trend of which Chetan Bhagat has started) seemingly having the same plot/storyline, did not you fear that your piece may not get the deserved attention?

Every individual starts his writing journey with an autobiographical plot and I did the same. Life experiences create story and I feel there is nothing harm in it. Though I have changed my subjects apart from the CB starter, I think the college melodrama works.

5. Since you are a first time author, what all obstructions did you face to get a publishing house for your book?

As a layman writer I did contact various publications to get my manuscript published. You may be amazed to know that the figure could end up around seventeen to eighteen. The path of becoming a writer isn’t so easy. I got cheated by Diamond Pocket books but then obstructions are a part of life.

6. Did you have any certain publishing house in mind or have taken chances on as many as you can? Do you regret of not having a Godfather to guide you through?

Srishti was my take, may be coz I thought that was my cup of tea. I did contact Rupa and my manuscript was accepted. But the dates of publishing were a bother, a year it was. I believe everything happens for good. Today life has taught me the essence of publishing world that I could be a god father for someone who is new to the industry. Visit my website www.matesz.com – publishing guidelines.

7. How much authentic is the story you have written? Has it got anything to do with your real life? Has it got anything to do with someone very close to you?

As I said earlier, a newcomer’s first fiction will be close to be an auto-biography but ‘Patyala down de Throat’ is illusionary. This book has consumed three complete years of my life and I have considered every aspect to make this book feel like watching a movie. While this remains a work of fiction, I have tried to give a realistic edge to all the twenty one important character portrayed in it.

8. Who are the writers you generally tend to take your inspirations from? Name five of your favourite authors.

Paulo Coelho
Chetan Bhagat
Durjoy Datta
Sidney Sheldon

9. What do you think about the current English Writing scenario in India? Do you really think it is a good time to take on writing as a full time profession?

Writing is not a profession, I think it’s all about passion and so if you want to act like a professional, you are doing for the sake of silent killer money. It’s a secondary goal or motive; primary tends to be what you specialized at.

10. A reader keeps a certain section of readers in mind with their works. What kind of readers you want to reach out to?

It was youth when I wrote ‘Patyala down de throat’ then it expanded to people who got a good taste of fiction for my next ‘The DEVD – Syndrome’ but now I want to reach out to the whole market with my next two fictions:
1. I’M Ketan Singh Bhagat and
2. Three Haunting dinners due on Sep and Dec, ’11.

Few other Details:
The author on Facebook: Chandraprakash Mohata
The author’s website: chandraprakashmohata.com

If you want to buy ‘Patyala Down de Throat’, all you have to do is to follow this link: