I reviewed ‘Stilettos in the Newsroom‘, one of the most talked about novel for quite some time, by Rashmi Kumar here on BTL. Later she was also interviewed by me here.
And now, it’s my pleasure to announce that we are going to give away few copies of the novel ‘Stilettos in the Newsroom’ on BTL.
This giveaway event is going to be the first one independently organised by me. Previously, here, we had announced a joint-giveaway with ‘A Journey Called…’
1. We will provide a link to a Google Docs Form at a later part of this post. Once you click on the link, you will be redirected to the form. And once there, you will need to fill out few interactive questions (Don’t worry, random stuffs.) for us. These questions were selectively set up by the author herself.
2. We respect privacy. Hence our decision to include the form. We know many readers hesitate to participate in these kinds of giveaways where they have to put in their email id within the comments section. With our form system, you will not have to provide your id in public. You will need to provide your mail id in one of the input boxes in the form. That way, once the contest gets over, we will be able to contact you over email. Sounds fun, right?
3. The deadline of this contest is 28th June, 2011. That is, you have exactly a month in hand.
4. Multiple entries are allowed.
5. A Facebook Event page has been created for this giveaway. Do ‘attend’ and also invite your friends, families and fellow book lovers to participate in the event. You can get it here: Facebook Event Page: Book Giveaway ‘Stilettos in the Newsroom’ by Rashmi Kumar
6. Last but not the least: The author has decided to give away three copies of the book. So, three of you can be the winners of ‘Stilettos in the newsroom’ at the end of the month.
So, what are you waiting for?
Hop in!
To be redirected to the form, PLEASE CLICK ON THIS LINK.
More details about the author:
The author on Facebook: Rashmi Kumar
The novel on Facebook: Stilettos in the newsroom
The author on Twitter: @Rashmi_Kumar
Author’s website: rashmikumar.in
In case you want to buy the book, follow the links here:
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[N.B. Featured image courtesy: http://www.darcypattison.com/pr-notes/book-giveaway-contests/]