Author: Sneha Mehta
Format: Paperback
Language: English
ISBN: 9788128832765
Pages: 255
Price: Rs. 100.00

Talk about a breezy read, a book that you won’t be able to leave midway through it, and one that can give you occasional goose bumps with aspects of sheer reality – Sneha Mehta’s ‘Siya Seth decides to die’ is the book we are talking about.

Yes, the title may sound equally weird as it seemed to me when I got hold of the book for the first time. I thought, ‘So, what’s the big deal? This may be just another book about any frustrated adolescent guy or girl who wants to end his/her life’. Later, this book gave me occasional jolts, maybe just because I thought of it that way preliminarily. Occasional jolts to the extent that I have to admit that it’s not ‘just another book’ that every other Indian IIM/IIT pass-outs tend to write these days.

Siya Seth decides to die’ is the story of Siya Seth, a girl with a past that haunts her like her own shadow, a past that she can’t let go, a past that never lets her have a sound sleep in the night, right from her age of eight. And when pain becomes too much unbearable, Siya takes the path of ‘enjoying’ her life in extreme manners, forcing herself to do stuffs that she is not comfortable enough with, just to keep herself distracted with the injustice that has shattered her life forever.

The story has been portrayed in a very realistic way, and the author Sneha Mehta, a very able writer that she is, never lets you feel nauseated by the extremities of the characters. The character of Reva, best friend of Siya, is the one that keeps the storyline alive with her absolute dedication to stay by the side of her childhood friend through the tough time the latter seemingly was going through. Irony was, Siya could not even disclose to Reva the truth, and that caused loads of misunderstandings within them both.
Siya Seth decides to die’ is how Siya herself tells the story to the world after her death. She decides to ‘Tell-it-all’ about what made her kill herself, why she had to end her life, and why she could not afford to continue with it. That Sneha, the author, is a student of ‘organizational psychology’ has been mirrored in every page of this book, and how!

Writing: Sneha Mehta, a student of ‘organizational psychology’ and a freelance writer, is passionate about the intricacies of the human mind. Her character Siya Seth lives upto the expectations of the readers to the full extent. Sneha’s style of story telling is not what you get to see everyday. She starts the book as a memoir or ‘tell-it-all’ of a character who kills herself after an unforgettable injustice of parental incest being pelted to her since the age of eight.
Undoubtedly, ‘Siya Seth decides to die’ is one that can pull a wide range of avid readers with the topic itself. And needless to say, it’s worth it!

Overall Rating: 7/10

More Details:
The author on Facebook: Sneha Mehta
The novel on Facebook: ‘Siya Seth decides to die’

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