Format: Paperback
Language: English
ISBN: 9788171670407
Pages: 247
Price: 95.00
‘The Inscrutable Americans’ by Anurag Mathur, as the very name suggests, is a story about Americans, where a talented (studious to be precise) student named Gopal goes to the West to pursue a Diploma in Chemical Engineering to carry forward his family business of hair oil. Despite all the Do’s and Don’ts that his family impose upon him, he is tempted by the culture there and tries to gel in, under the (able) guidance of friend Randy who takes a pledge to make him experience all the pleasures of an American lifestyle.
The letters Gopal writes back to his younger brother in India takes you on a laughter ride, where his interpretation leads to a deduction either he is too innocent or he is too dumb and one is more convinced that the latter category is more suitable for him.
While one travels through the plot Gopal puts forward his own way of thinking and conclude things about Americans and their lifestyle, which makes you wonder and re-think, whether they really deserve to be a coveted nation to settle in.
The novel puts forward a clearer view of an illusionistic promising world along with maintaining a steady balance in the juvenile tone of the novel.
Although one may complain of story being a bit slow or dull during the last 40 pages where Gopal is made to undergo a yearning to have the forbidden fruit.
But overall it is nice read, and the protagonist keeps the mood bouncing back to the regular frolic feeling.
Released in 1991, the novel still manage to keep the sales figure tickling at a rapid rate and that accounts to the wonderful narration and a unique plot which stands out of the regular shelves of similar novels.
Overall Rating: 8.5/10
More Details:
The author on Facebook: Anurag Mathur
The novel on Facebook: ‘The Inscrutable Americans’
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This review has been contributed by Nikhil Mukhija. Nikhil himself is a content developer, marketing script writer as well as an SEO specialist. While he is not busy with his Engineering studies, Nikhil contributes to various online writing platforms.
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