Format: Paperback
Language: English
ISBN: 9788129117847
Pages: 349
Price: 295.00
‘Along The Way’ by TGC Prasad is a novel about Software Engineers by a Software Engineer. With strong vibes of TCS and its work culture reflected in a surreal way in the novel, this Software Engineer reviewer also found it equally enticing and interesting, to say the least. FYI, even the company being the same, no wonder the review also is going to be in a positive note. No kidding. :)
When Rupa Publications takes up a book, which is supposed to be like any other chick-lit novel, you know some undercurrent must be there and you become restless to find out the actual reason of the same. With a brilliant publishing and printing cover to cover, this book did not have any marketing gimmick related to it, unlike our mass-popular writers like Chetan Bhagats and Durjoy Dattas. The novel made it a point to stay mainstream with quality writing and a gripping storyline, and did exactly the same. We, as readers, loved this approach. And hope more and more writers also think this way. If you ask for examples, go through the works of Grey Oak Publications. They have the same theory as their work-ethic as well, seemingly.
‘Along The Way’ has way too many protagonists. And the writer did a good job to handle each of them with utmost care. Like the mother of seven who does not want even one of them to grow up to be a spoilt brat. Among all, Venkat or VSAT and Raj (obviously) stands out as the action heroes of popular Bollywood flicks. And how!
As is the norm with BTL (well, not always though), we save the readers from being divulged the story from before. So, this post contains no such disclaimers, as you may have already noticed. This discussion is more relative to the entire phenomenon that ‘Along The Way’ is. Am going to inform my boss at TCS that I have gone through this book and have shown myself the audacity to discuss about the pros and cons of the author. No kidding, again.
The author puts up an insider’s view of the Software Industry like many other authors previously tried but could not manage to. May be the seniority helped, with which comes the maturity (wisdom) to know (realize) where to stop or pull the brakes. You don’t go overboard with something as security-panicky as the Software Industry scenario in our country and readers with the same background realizes the author’s effort about the same.
About the Author: TGC Prasad offers – Strategic consulting, HR advisory and senior executive coaching to – start-ups, SMEs, Indian and MNC companies. He has worked as Country Manager, Global Vice President for Misys Plc and was on the board of Misys, India. Prior to that he worked with companies such as Wipro, Coopers & Lybrand, PWC, IBM, MindTree, and Alcatel-Lucent in various senior management roles globally and is currently on advisory boards of several companies. He is the author of the best selling books, “Unusual People Do Things Differently” (Portfolio, Penguin) and “Along the Way” (Rupa, Fiction).
He conducts intensive five day “Writing workshops” at quiet mountain retreats and if interested to attend the workshop, you can contact him on
Overall Rating: 8.5/10
More Details:
The author on Facebook: TGC Prasad
The novel on Facebook: ‘Along The Way’
Author’s website:
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1 comment
tgcprasad says:
Jan 3, 2012
Of the many reviews I came across, I liked this review quite a bit. And why? Firstly it doesn’t tell you the story of the book, the way it all happened, secondly it neatly outlines, touches the prime and strokes the chord. I guess reviews like this entice others to read. And freshers who are joining TCS, I guess this is your book :)
Enjoy the read and best of luck as you head out! Hope all of you make a difference!
TGC Prasad