Format: Paperback
Language: English
ISBN: 9788128836527
Pages: 239
Price: 100.00
Plot Discussion: Saksham & Priya, the perfect couple one can ever imagine, stand all the trials of families, studies, friendships, and yet their love stays strong. What happens all of a sudden that transforms their lives altogether?
‘Love Happens, So Does a Break up’ by Saurav Vaish is a novel which seems more of a memoir, and one can relate to every word that the author has written. The story never seems to go slow or dull and the narration was straight from the heart.
The emotions, as expressed by the author, are well visible all throughout the novel. It has been a long time a novel has made me rethink over the prevalent concept of love and its credibility. Specifically, the third last chapter makes you go agape and you start wondering, “Did that really happen?” You keep looking for some positive comeback, but the story ends at a very different yet conclusive node.
The backdrop of the novel is quite pleasant and the readers will enjoy flipping through the chapters. There are some incidents here and there that induce the tinge of sadness in your heart when you are living the described scenes of the novel.
The maturity with which the author has described the course of his relationship in the book can be of some guidance to those who are having some troubles in their long distance relationship. No kidding!
Overall quite a nice read.
Overall Rating: 8/10
More Details:
The book on Facebook: ‘Love happens, so does a Breakup’
The author on Facebook: Saurav Vaish
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This review has been contributed by Nikhil Mukhija. Nikhil himself is a content developer, marketing script writer as well as an SEO specialist. While he is not busy with his Engineering studies, Nikhil contributes to various online writing platforms.
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