Format: Paperback
Language: English
ISBN: 9788190972093
Pages: 248
Price: 150.00

Plot Discussion: Rarely does a novel knocks at your brain’s door and makes its way to your heart. ‘Moving On’ by Jaya Jha is just one of those.

A story about the conquest of a women against all the odds fighting its way out against the cruel orthodox world, ‘Moving On’ portrays that no journey is free of ups and downs but that is exactly what makes the ride worthwhile. Smriti a girl who had been brought up in a conservative family but her mother was her shield and helped her reach the heights. Something tragic happens and she is left to unravel the mystery and battle against her conventional destiny only to break free and turn out victorious. ‘Love can be much more than physical attraction’ is the inference that can be easily drawn by the story and it’s the undying support that is one of the prerequisites to prove oneself as an ideal partner.

It is a story about love, society, family values, women upliftment, relationships and much more explained in a great narration that could help you draw the characters in your mind. The storytelling style was comforting with no superficial element into it. The protagonist had taken the plot along quite well and I must commend her attempt considering she was an amateur.

A Good Read overall, especially for the feminists out there.

Overall Rating: 8/10
More Details:
The novel on Facebook: ‘Moving On’
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This review has been contributed by Nikhil Mukhija. Nikhil himself is a content developer, marketing script writer as well as an SEO specialist. While he is not busy with his Engineering studies, Nikhil contributes to various online writing platforms.

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