Format: Paperback
Language: English
ISBN: 9381115039
Pages: 82
Price: 95.00

Plot Discussion: ‘The Ancient Book’, penned by Parikshit Rane is a child fantasy novella oriented for readers who belong to secondary school or beginners in English. Crafted with mystic creatures with the most conventional forms of army that old fantasy minds think of; from dragons to thorns cum the outline of a scientific meteor transports you to an animated version of the world that you always have loved when you were a child.

The plot outlines the story of King Zius, who rules the kingdom of Angdom protects the Ancient Book which answers the methods to eradicate evils from the earth. He battles his enemy – the Satan from the ghastly colony of Lyncastia who pledges to steal the book. Married to Queen Witch Gilda, who has similar intentions; The Satan uses all types of tactics to win over the world. Gilda with her mystical powers of controlling acid rain and her magical mirror make the two of them powerful.

When ‘The Ancient Book’ falls in wrong hands, hell breaks loose. The universe works in mysterious ways helping him restore it back from the evil Satan. Princess Sara, the main highlight and daughter to Zius plays a major role in this war to bring back peace. Aliens also form an alliance to Zius. A new era beckons,

The 81 page book deals with a world created out of tactical imagination. A world of fantasy and science modern concepts of aliens meteors have been blended which is unique but does not pull off well. The story builds and ends rapidly which makes it an incomplete feeling. Crazy Situations and no literary importance, It’s a child’s read or as I would recommend a read for improving Basic English grammar. Developed from a poem, This book is a light read and puts a smile if you read to your children. He has also written “An Anthology for Passion for Poetry” (2008-09).

Overall Rating: 5/10
More Details:
The novel on Facebook: ‘The Ancient Book’
The author on Facebook: Parikshit Rane

Jai is a vital combination of bones, blood and brains haunts this earth with a pen and camera capturing the various dimensions prevailing on this planet. With flare for sarcasm he writes for politically correct reasons.  When he gets time from gym, discussing, networking and reading he also participates in writing and composing songs. His ambition is to become the head of United Nations and BTL is his way.

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