This is a story of a start up. X and Y co-founded a company, a dream that used to drive one of them crazy. And after years of hardships and planning and what not, today they are a growing company and a well known name in its own domain.

When X and Y decide to carry forward their dreams with utmost momentum, they plan to hire talents from all over the country. Since their works are web based, easier was their work to find interns from all the four corners of the huge country named India, and also a single caring soul from across the seven seas. Yeah, they have been living a dream since all of these happened. Happened would be a bad usage. All these goodness are happening to them and X and Y are working hard to keep up their motivations and strategies towards a fledging future. Forget not, the hard work of managing the many interns/employees has been hard on both of them.

Here is a dissection of the company, abiding by some points of an ideal start up:

1. ‘You should not start a company unless you are really passionate and obsessed about the work you aim to do‘.
As for this company, working-hard is really an understatement for X and Y. If Y works from 5am in the morning and attends office thereafter, X makes it a point to take stress for the entire night. Or vice-versa.

2. ‘If you have an exit strategy, it’s not an obsession‘.
Exit strategy – What is that?

3. ‘Hire people who you think will love working on a common passion as yours‘.
This is easily the most important aspect, and the most worrisome too. X made it a point to showcase his managerial skills with much awe, so much so that he knows who all are bothering and who all are not and can tag each of the much-more-than-you-can-expect number of heads with his unique one-liners. And if you think the one-liners are funny, you won’t be wrong.

4. ‘Get an espresso machine for the workplace‘.
For a web based company thriving on unknown faces and relying on voices-over-phone (and not Skype), Dropbox or Google Docs is yet to incorporate an espresso machine that works according to the theories of cloud computing.

5. ‘As far as technology, go with what you know. That is always the cheapest way‘.
You bet. As long as Google App goodness lives, freeware wins over cheap technologies.

6. ‘Keep the organization flat. If you have managers reporting to managers in a startup, you will fail‘.
Now you know why X tries to handle all his loads on his own poor shoulders.

7. ‘NEVER EVER EVER hire a PR firm‘.
With our own PR guys in the team, who cares to hire one, anyway?

8. ‘Make the job fun for employees. Keep a pulse on the stress levels and accomplishments of your people and reward them‘.
True that. These guys seem to know that, though are reluctant enough to send the awesome tees one of the fellow editor always crave for. With these eight points going ‘for the motion’ for this company, it’s little wonder that they are going big forward, and how!

No points for guessing the company, FYI.