Format: Paperback
Language: English
ISBN: 978818400313
Pages: 294
Price: Rs.125
If there is one author whose book I can confidently recommend to everyone for light reading, it is Novoneel Chakraborty. ‘How about a sin tonight?’ is his third after his two previous bestselling novels.
The story revolves around five characters, which’s difficult to manage when it comes to character development and justifying their presence. A big relief from the college/school romance love stories, this one is based in the dark lanes of Bollywood where a superstar, two struggling actors Neev and Reva, a childhood love Kash and a girl who has vowed revenge for her father’s suffering come together. Very rarely is a story so well researched.
The author has developed a significant personality among the female protagonists of his novels and in fact the book revolves around their decisions and the script is taken forward primarily due to their resolutions. For some undefined reason, he has always subjugated the male protagonists in his novels and this at times seems unbalanced.
Coming to the book, it’s divided into six sections where the first narrates the superstar’s past. Next part is the life story of Neev and Reva. It’s about the struggle of debutants who have no inside connection in the industry, this makes it a MUST read for all those who wish to be a part of the ‘Dreamland’.
The third part traces Nishani’s life, from her childhood to her present. The boys might fall in love with Nishani and start wondering whether you’ll ever have a girlfriend like her. Girls might wish to develop her attitude. The fourth part focuses on Kash, where his life comes alive through letters.
The fifth part is where all the characters’ paths connect through a single incident, a very well thought plot but it’s a little slow. The introspection, retrospection and reminiscence of all the characters in the novel is in the sixth part. The media has been portrayed perfectly and the ending is not predictable.
There were some paradoxical thoughts where the author seemed in a dilemma and unclear about what he should advocate, so he plays it safe by presenting both sides of the coin so that the readers can decide by themselves.
There are some thought-provoking quotation which are worth noting down.
Overall a Good read, but my personal favourite would always be ‘A Thing Beyond Forever’ followed by this one. To all other authors out there, you can learn that all love-making scenes do not need to be described as a B Grade film and where to insert such scenes.
All the very best to Novoneel and thanks for all the quotes that are the soul of the plot.
Rating: 8.5/10
More Details
The book on Facebook: How About A Sin Tonight?
The author on Facebook: Novoneel Chakraborty
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1 comment
bhakti waghdhare says:
Aug 8, 2012
Awesome book. lovely flow of words. very imaginative.
Loved it.
Have placed an order for the other 2 books of his.
Keep the pen on.