Everyone is a salesman at some level or the other, everyone is trying to sell something, be it a product or service, the point is are you better salesman than the others?

Price: Rs. 140
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Publisher: Rupa
ISBN: 9788129119797

How I Braved Anu Aunty & Co-Founded a Million Dollar Company’ by Varun Agarwal pulls you to grab the book, solely by the merit of the title. Once, the book is done with one will realize that Rupa is doing a lot now a days to give enough limelight to the young authors.
This is a story of entrepreneurship and friendship and love and above all Anu aunty. We all have an Anu aunty – the neighbourhood aunty who pokes into our lives and conspires our parents against us. She smiles, she pretends and she wants us to be under her control.
Varun is a guy who takes life as it comes, doing nothing even after one year of engineering. That is when his mother gets fed up of him and employs Anu aunty to get him back on track.
The story thereafter narrates what all Varun has to go through in getting his company established, saving himself from the prying eyes of Anu aunty and the intermittent tips for the aspiring entrepreneurs on what to do, what not to do.
It is certainly a must read for those who dreams of owning a business institution of their own and those who are already treading on the journey of entrepreneurship.

A funny, absorbing story that it is, this book is one of the fastest page turners, with sneek peek into one sided love of Varun. ‘How I Braved Anu Aunty & Co-Founded a Million Dollar Company‘ is a great satire at facebook trends of the youth as well which manages to make you laugh and inspire if you are just in the dilemma of taking the step or not.

The Big Confession‘ chapter would bring a huge smile on your faces.

Although there is one thing you would note, that the entire journey was smoother than what real life may have to offer when you are trying to expand and popularise your company. But, certainly the tips given in Light font would be helpful and the comments are delightful.

Overall Rating: 8.5/10

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