Language: English
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9788172238605
Pages: 320
Price: Rs.250

There are books you can’t put down. This one isn’t one of them, though it’s not that bad. ‘The Other Woman’ is an anthology of stories which cannot be read in one go simply because each story need time to sink in. Like fine wine, you have to savor it and enjoy every moment of these stories and let the multiple messages take shape. And after you’ve done all that, you let it hit you.

To comment on their work, I would need years of experience, otherwise it would be an insult. That’s how amazingly each one of these authors have captured love and passion.

A word for the translators who have worked on these stories too; they have managed to successfully keep the flavor and essence of each story. Every language has a flavor to it, be it English, Hindi, Bengali or Malayalam, each one of them has a different texture and feel. And this texture has not been compromised in the making of this anthology, which is commendable.

All in all, the book manages to lure you in and seduce you, but you will only be able to enjoy her fully if you go one step at a time.

Recommended reading.

Rating: 6.5/10

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