Language: English
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9788183520959
Pages: 179
Price: 125 INR

Choose Me is a romantic fiction novel by Devina Singh Awasthi, centred around the lives of three people Aditya, Arun, and Mansi Devina sees herself as more of a story-teller than an author, however the book is not a love triangle, even if it is, the developments take place towards the fag-end of the novel.

Mansi had been in a relationship with Arun for two years but when Arun gets a job offer in the U.S of A, he can’t refuse it. He fills a bond of 10 years for working in the States but Mansi is not ready to leave her job, family and country,and thus a sudden and shocking end to the relation. Mansi is still putting back the broken pieces of her heart together when Aditya comes into her life and they gradually fall in love. Complications, confusion and heartburn happen when Arun resurfaces in Mansi’s life. The quelling of the confusion and a cute culmination forms the rest of the novel.

First and foremost the major flaw of the novel is its typos. Spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and printing goof ups callously puncture the mood the novel builds up. The novel could have done with a fair amount of editing. The marriage sequence in the beginning tends to irritate at times, as it becomes too hackneyed and girly.

The novel unfolds a lucid and an honest story which is better told than written. Broken hearts and much in love couples shall relate to the characters and the situations. All in all, as a first time writer, it is a decent enough attempt in a done to death genre.

Overall Rating: 6.5/10

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The book on Facebook: Choose Me
The author on Facebook: Devina Awasthi

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