Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9788187671176
Pages: 385
Price: 295 INR

“Chicken Soup for the Writer’s Soul speaks to the very essence of every writer. These stories will make you chuckle, wipe a tear from your eye and inspire you to keep writing.”
-Melanie Rigney.
(Editor, Writer’s Digest magazine)

The ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ series are a set of books that touch the hearts of people
all over the world. Dealing with a multitude of topics ranging from ‘Chicken Soup for the
Preteen’s Soul’ to ‘Chicken Soup for the Teacher’s Soul’, they serve as an inspiration to
millions of readers across the world.

Being a writer can be lonely and frustrating. This book is for all kinds of writers, be it
aspiring one, beginners or even professional writers. The thing that made this book so special to me was that these stories were from different places and narrated by people with totally different perspectives and experiences. Through that, I myself got to experience the happiness one feels at completing a novel, at beginning the writing tryst, at sometimes despairing and feeling utter sadness at the time when one suffers from the well-known Writer’s block. Some of my favourite stories in the book were:

1. Why I write. (Terry McMillan)
2. 1,600 Articles Ago. (Gordon Burgett)
3. We were all beginners once. (Lawrence Block)
4. My Dad Story. (Ed Robertson)
5. The Christmas Box. (Richard P. Evans)
6. For Love or Money. (Gregory Poirier)

There are different sections in this book such as how I became a writer, mentors, overcoming obstacles and finding your voice. My favourite section is the one about overcoming obstacles. I think it is important that aspiring writers realize that they could easily overcome any sort of obstacles, instead of giving up their dreams at an early stage. One does have to be a writer to enjoy these real-life stories. Also, analyzing all the stories at one go might be too much, but taking inspiration from a bit here and confidence from a bit there will help any aspiring writer remember the fact that these people made it big. And that he could too. Keep in mind the quote by Richard Bach,

‘A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.’

Overall Rating: 7.5/10.

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