Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9788192569024
Pages: 120
Price: 200 INR
Axiom of Oomph is a book containing mesmerizing verses that are spun around vivid dreams, fears and desires. The author talks of the agonies and prejudices one has to face, of solitary battles and war bruises through her simple yet heart wrenching poems.
The poet, an ardent moon lover is unabashed about her fondness for the moon as she keeps drawing parallels or making direct references to the celestial body in her poems.
‘A loved woman’s walk is fairy footfall
Leaping through the air so light
A loved woman’s hair will catch the
And reflect celestial white.’
She talks of dreams that have been foregone and left unattained due to the various trials and tribulations that life puts across as hurdles, of dreams that need to acquire a form and of those which had adorned a form and yet they are unsatisfactory in their appearance henceforth creating a void.
The book explores the various intricacies of life. Concept of ageing, bliss, dissatisfaction, solitude, resentment, love, hatred, expectancy, penance, cruelty and many more emotions have been touched upon in this book.
‘The ink was black
The book is free-flowing and it avoids use of complicated language. It is structured in a way that it does not become overwhelming on the readers. Some of the poems left me absolutely spellbound and I couldn’t help but go back to reading them like:
As you are beautiful
‘Does my bum look big in this?’
Guns and roses
She was born to have a flight
Rating: 7/10
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