Language: English
Format: Paperback
Pages: 407
ISBN: 9780099580669
Price: 350 INR

“You are completely engrossed in it from start to finish. Absolutely incredible…The story is unrelentingly exciting.” – BBC Radio Live 5

This 400-page thriller, ‘Alex Cross, Run‘ by James Patterson, is one of the few books that I have been able to complete within three hours and boy, I am very glad to have done so! There are very few authors who have managed to make me finish reading their work in a single sitting and with the help of this book, distinguished author James Patterson is one of them. Having just read one book earlier by the author (which goes by the name of ‘Kill me if you can’), I was a bit apprehensive of picking this one up. All my doubts and fears though were laid to rest as I began reading through the first couple of chapters. The chase was on and the thrill had just begun!
Although there are 110 chapters in the novel, it helps that each of these are less than half a dozen pages. The sudden abruptness of one chapter concluding and another one beginning at a new thread gives a new angle to the suspense apart from adding to the mystery.
The story is written in the first-person perspective of the protagonist Alex Cross, a detective with the MPD (Metropolitan Police Department) dealing in the homicide branch. He lives with his wife Bree, who is also in the police department and his mother ‘Nana’, his children Damon, Ali and Ava, a kid they are hoping they would adopt soon. Based in Florida, a series of murders occurring one after the other and having somewhat of a common pattern baffle him and test his nerves to the maximum. Soon, Cross is up to his knees with the results of two serial killers who are apparently in some kind of a crazy race; trying to outdo one another. Problems at home soon entail those at work as his family begins to get affected by the investigations of a reporter who is out for vengeance.
The story is fairly racy, the chapters go swiftly and the end is satisfying enough. Although the book deals mainly with Alex Cross, it would have been more nice and interesting to see a more depth of description into the other characters. That said, there is not an ounce of complaint within me to deny this book a second reading as soon as possible.

Overall Rating: 7/10

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