Language: English
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Random House India
ISBN: 9780099551744
Pages: 560
Price: INR 350

Jo Nesbo has become nothing short of a household name in his home country, Norway and is slowly finding place in the bookshelves of the world. ‘The Snowman’ is the seventh Harry Hole crime thriller. The book, though quite long has a lot of twists and turns. It is pretty good, but not too good, especially since I figured out who the killer was half way.
The story is set in the very exotic (for Indians, anyway) Oslo, Norway. It starts off with a single missing woman and a snowman at the crime scene wearing the woman’s scarf. It slowly develops into a hunt for a grisly serial killer, who has been around for years. Inspector Harry Hole leads the chase. He’s a typical anti-hero, hard and fighting-with-inner-demons yet with strong ethics. He’ll stop at nothing to catch this gruesome killer and has a steely, manly quality with no regard for consequences that reminds you of all those detective Hollywood movies.
If this is the first Harry Hole book you’re reading, there is a little catching up to do. But it isn’t difficult. The interesting setting of the book, with the Norwegian names and such, makes it fun to read. The book is a tad bit too long for a crime thriller. But Nesbo’s brilliant writing style, Stieg Larrson-esque keeps the tempo running, with no dull moments. But the references to the counterpart American politics seem quite redundant as does the mould man and his appearance all-together.
Overall, it is a good book which deals with quite a few subjects (revenge, ethics, love, insanity) but not the best crime thriller out there. It makes a great read for a train or plane journey being the page-turner it is.

Overall Rating: 6/10

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