Format: Paperback
Language: English
ISBN: 9788192569079
Pages: 110
Price: Rs. 150
“Lost to the immensity of the ocean, to the enormity of the waters, to the immensity of time”
‘Man and Madness’ has a whole lot to offer to the readers. Through a compilation of letters, Parna Banerjee Sarkar doesn’t just convey the beautiful thought but uses mesmeric metaphors to hook the reader to her 110 pages book.
The author chooses her words with great care to put them together to write this striking piece of work. The story begins with his description of the girl at Jodhpur airport. Her coherent description brings out the underlying essence of the story. It is her choice of words which stands out and speaks for itself. Her second chapter (Espy the Moon) unfolds an extremely intriguing description of the moon and gives the readers, a different perspective.
With deep analysis, the epilogue talks about Radhika, who suffers from terminal lung cancer. The story unfolds with the letters of Radhika, her beloved, dada (her oncologist) and God. Each one has their own perception of Radhika and her qualities. What is more interesting is the letter from the God wherein he describes a woman as the rib of man and love as the flowing river.
Her vivid portrayal of a cancer girl and her interests in life is resplendent. Avoiding repetition will definitely add the flavor to her story. Overall, a book of love, Parna Banerjee Sarkar has something to tell her readers. With no action, science or other subjects, she chose to present the most complicated subject of love to her readers. A break from the regular genres, the 110 pages are simple to read yet a lot to learn. We look forward for more of her writing style and definitely with more number of pages.
Overall Rating: 6.5/10
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