Publisher: Rupa Publications
Year: 2014
ISBN: 9788129124302
Price: INR 295
Genre: Fiction
A sequel to ‘A Romance with Chaos’, with ‘Chaos Down Under’ by Nishant Kaushik, Nakul is back to tell us more of the horrifying incidents that occur at Bytesphere. To be honest, I haven’t read the first book, and there are very references to that book here. This book, stand-alone is just about average, very much like a comedy of errors sorts.
Nakul seems to an average employee working at Bytesphere, waiting for that elusive promotion and raise from that evil boss that he hates. He is of course, in love with a girl, who is his subordinate. And who may or may not love him back. And then, he lands a really big contract, with an Australian client which is highly important to the company which is facing a financial crunch. He is made the project manager and has to ensure the project’s success. And then after he recruits his team members, he is summoned to Australia to have joint sessions with a rival firm, Lex (the baddies).
And hence is the tale of how the hero (Nakul), saves the day (the Australian client) from the evil guys (Lex) to win the girl of his dreams (Mehek) from the other guy (Sameer). Sounds like a typical Bollywood story, set in a plush corporate backdrop? Don’t worry, it is. The book feels sort of a drab, as you can always guess what is coming next. The story, though attempted to be humorous often feels overbearing.
In terms of characters, the protagonist Nakul is the narrator and has, as all protagonists do, the worst luck. His rants about his boss are mildly entertaining; otherwise you’re just left rolling your eyes at his antics. The supporting cast, especially Suresh (his neighbour) and Akshat seem to be the highlight of the book. Their characters are etched out well, and they provide some comic relief at intervals. Chirayu, his boss makes a perfect irritating boss and his character is carved out well.
The book is a mix of every cliché you know and is annoyingly long. I would give this book a pass.
Rating: 6/10
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