Format: Paperback
Language: English
ISBN: 9789382647157
Pages: 264
Price: INR 200

You take chances not just to correct mistakes but to determine worth. Preeti Singh, in her journey of ‘Crossroads’ talks about the dilemmas of life and irrational boundaries of society. The title itself invokes a sense of enthusiasm and the author has not failed to sustain it throughout.

CrossroadsThe story unfolds in 2015 and the transitions back in 1993. Meet Kavita, an epileptic but a vivacious, simple girl. Kavita, due to her health conditions has been restricted all her life and she has compromised on a number of things. She is new to the concept of love but when she finally met her prince charming Rajiv, only sky was the limit.

Join her in the journey of love, passion, humiliation, bonds and choices of her life. It’s about time, is true to Kavita’s life for she has to make a choice; will she leave her abusive husband Rajiv? Where does she draw the line to find her happiness? The story weaves along with each leaf of page as one cannot imagine what the fate has in store for Kavita.

It’s time she decides if she can has to make an identity for herself. It’s time she takes a call on her daughter and stand up for herself or wait for life to give her another chance. The transitions are not only from 2015 to 1993 but a transition from a bubbly girl to a matured woman burdened with responsibilities.

‘With each step, she shed her stress points and released her soul. She had done enough for everyone, now it was time for her to live for herself.’

Few lines hit the reader hard and makes you think twice. Preeti Singh has a lot in store for the readers. Kavita is just one among the thousands. The author has a conversational style of writing throughout the book and she seems to be quite a music-lover; some of the songs written in the novel seem to be a little out of context. The author has used a number of contradictory conflicts which may be quite heavy for some readers. Preeti singh‘s efforts and interest in the story can be seen from the 3-page acknowledgements itself.

Rating: 5.5/10

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