Format: Paperback
Publisher: Harlequin India
Pages: 234
ISBN: 9789351064497
Price: INR 299

The title, ‘When Hari Met His Saali‘, was enough to get me intrigued enough to read the book ASAP. And to add to that, a funny romance novel by a male author, Harsh Wardhan. Yep, definitely curious now. And the story was fun, laugh out loud one that left you feeling light and happy. The book definitely did not disappoint.

WhenHariMetHisSaaliThe book starts off in the US, with Tia and Hari planning to get married. Despite dating for six years, they are poles apart and cannot seem to reconcile on their differences. Tia is extremely dominating (the book reiterates that over and over again) and attempts to mould Hari as per her perceptions of a perfect husband. She is focussed, determined and your typical go-getter. Hari on the other hand, is lackadaisical, sailing through life, task it as it comes attitude. Both cannot be more ill-matched for each other.

Tia’s sister and mother live in Nagpur and for the engagement, Tia’s sister Simi flies down to the US. Here, we see Simi is an exact opposite of Tia – quiet, shy, demure. And here comes the twist in events, when the engagement does occur, Hari ends up falling for Simi and puts the ring on her finger instead. And how he falls for her is a refreshingly novel way. Saying anything more would act as spoilers so I shall refrain!

The book is cute and fun, a light read that leaves you chuckling and guffawing. Of course, I feel that Tia has a bit too much of bad light portrayed on her, but then again, that could just be the feminist sentiments in me. The characters of the book are strong and limited, a definite plus point. The story moves from US to Nagpur to Pondicherry. It remains short without being draggy or overbearing. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a fun, breezy read!

Rating: 8/10

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