Book Discussion
Essay: 'While reviewing the Pale King and other things Wallace-like'

Essay: ‘While reviewing the Pale King and other things Wallace-like’

On Wallace being a fraud Granted, he writes like an asshole at times. Other times, you admire him for sticking it out and spinning the narrative his own way. Bret Easton Ellis wrote about him on twitter once, seven times, consecutively – that DFW was (was because he is dead now) the master of pretention....
Book Discussion: 'Treasure of Kafur' by Aroon Raman

Book Discussion: ‘Treasure of Kafur’ by Aroon Raman

There is a moment in the latter half of this book where Dattatreya, the protagonist, is engaged in battle with anti-Mughal forces as a scout when he suddenly falls off his horse because of an attack from an assailant (whose identity shall remain undisclosed for obvious reasons). And this is perhaps the point where this...