Posts tagged "postaweek2011"
Weekly Photo Challenge: Shadow

Weekly Photo Challenge: Shadow

This introduction is for the newbies who are yet to know about WordPress Daily Post project. As I signed up with WordPress’ Posting challenges, I’m entitled to post a picture that I’ve taken. The topic is as given by them, and as a follower, am supposed to put up the post in my blog, and...
Responding to a weekly photography challenge

Responding to a weekly photography challenge

Responding to a weekly photography challenge: Well, as my earlier post read, am going to take up posting challenges from the The Daily Post project of WordPress. And yeah, I have decided to start with a photography challenge and the topic to start with could not have been better. Well, am saying so only because...

Should I really take this blogging challenge?

Oh c’mmon, I get that you need to cheer yourself up and motivate in the most queer manner and then instigate yourself to at least do this much good for yourself and then end up influencing your daily routine to make changes to make up some time for your new-found vigour (eh?) – i.e. to...